Thursday, June 14, 2007

Meeting: 12th June

Jean-Antoine BORD did a presentation of

If you have some skills and feel you'd like to make some money on the side, or for guys in campus, while living cheaply in campus :), sign up and have a look.

It has a simple enough interface to look for 'micro' jobs (typically lasting for less than one week). Lots of job categories, with the more active ones being IT related - web design, logo design, IT consultancy. is also going regional, and will be looking for people to spearhead that effort.

Apart from working from home in pajamas, he talked about setting up an ISP observatory - to act as a sort of watchdog and ensure quality provision of internet services is done locally.

Quote of the Week:

May the FOSS be with you. (Gituma found it somewhere online :) )

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